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Access Server via SSH
Justin Catello avatar
Written by Justin Catello
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you how to access server via SSH using username and password or with the SSH key. You can download PuTTY from the url below

1. Gather your server IP or Hostname, SSH port, username and Password

2. Enter the IP address and port on the PuTTY

3. You will be taken to the next step where you will have to enter the username and password

If you have SSH Key-Based Authentication enabled on the server, you can use the below steps to configure it.

1. Enter the IP address and port number, click on the โ€œ+โ€ sign next to the SSH option marked in Red on the screenshot below

2. Click on the โ€œAuthโ€ Option and select the Browse option to browse the SSH key downloaded to your local machine

3. Select the Key and click on Open, it will ask for the username. Enter the username and you will be logged on to the server.

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