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Adthrive Questions
Justin Catello avatar
Written by Justin Catello
Updated over a week ago

Due to the large demand of those trying to improve on their sites Pagespeed Insights scores, the following set of questions was sent out by Adthrive to provide to your host. At BigScoots we do not want to leave you in the dark, that is why we're providing answers to these questions up-front.
These responses are in respect to our WordPress Optimized plan customers. For more information see our plans page below:

Q & A

Q) Are automatic backups set up for my site, and if so, how frequent are they?

A) Yes! Backups are taken daily, maintained for 30 days, and at any time you can have

5 manual backups.

Q) Can you set up a staging site I can use for testing purposes?

Please set it up without the popup dev login.

A) Yes! Staging sites are the preferred method of site testing.
To create your own Staging site, check out our Staging guide here!
By default staging sites are configured with a password that we refer to as
Site Lock. This protection is optional and can be turned off at any time.

Q) Is caching enabled for my site? If not, can you enable caching? And if so, is

caching functioning as expected right now?

A) Yes! By default, we use advanced caching with the plugin Cache-enabler.

But, we recommend signing up for one of our Cloudflare Enterprise plans.
Our Tiered plans include optimized page caching that is served from around the

world using the Enterprise CDN network.
Please reach out to sales for more information!

Q) Is HTTP/2 turned on? If not, is it possible to turn it on?

A) Yes! HTTP/2 is enabled by default.

Q) Is a CDN set up for my site? If so, is it functioning as expected?

A) Yes! By default, we configure all sites on Cloudflare which acts as your CDN.

The easiest way to know if it's working is by popping your domain

into and look for a green βœ… "Effective use of CDN" once the test completes.

Q) Is my DNS query speed optimized? Would it help if I used a premium DNS


A) Yes! We utilize Cloudflare's DNS which is the most optimized out there on the web.

There is no need to switch to a "premium" DNS provider, Cloudflare is easily the


Q) Are we running TLS 1.3? If not, is it possible to update to that version?

A) Yes! By default, we run all our sites at TLS 1.3 protocol.

Q) Can you defragment my database and optimize my server settings?
​ Is this done on a schedule, or is it something I should request on a regular basis?

A) BigScoots defragments and optimizes servers regularly.

There is no need to request any kind of database optimization as it's all handled

automatically on the server.

Q) Are there any resource-intensive services you can disable for my site or schedule to run at my lowest traffic times?

A) No, we've built our WP stack from the ground to ensure all services that are running are necessary and running in an optimized state.

Q) Is compression enabled on my site? If not, is it possible to enable it?

A) Yes, we use both Brotli and Gzip compression, Gzip primarily is used as a fallback

compression in case Brotli is not supported by the browser.

Our Final Thoughts

Our staff understands that every content provider wants to score perfect metrics across the board and we want you to as well! Yet due to the uniqueness and varied construction of each website a perfect score will prove extremely difficult to obtain.

In many cases, a content provider would need to work 1-on-1 with a developer to allow them to rebuild your site with metrics in mind. The best developer will not rely on any kind of page builder or rely on plugins to band-aid bad practices.
You would want to select a developer who will build your website using the bare minimum structure while implementing best web practices all throughout your design. This method can be costly and time-consuming and we realize it may not be doable for everyone.

With all that in mind, we realize this is not ideal for most so we strive to provide you with the best recommendations to improve your site's metrics. If the above questions and answers are not all that you seek please open up a ticket or respond to your current one so we can run an audit on your site to provide you with any suggestions possible to help you improve.

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