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How To Add Collaborators

A step-by-step guide to add Collaborators and adjust their privileges within your WPO Portal.

Katie Stapley avatar
Written by Katie Stapley
Updated over a week ago

Step #1: Sign into your WPO Portal.

Step #2: From the WPO Portal, click on Collaborators.

Step #3: Click Add.

Step #4: Enter the email address for whom you wish to collaborate with.

Step #5: Set privileges. You can provide Access to All Domains or provide access to a specific domain if you have multiple.

Step #6: Choose the Access Level.

*Note: The following is a breakdown of the available Access Levels.*

Full Access: Provides access to all details. Including live, staging, support tickets and new WordPress installations and migration details.

Live Details: Provide access to live site details only (collaborator will have no access to staging sites).

Staging Details: Provide access to staging site details only.

New WP Installation or Migration Requests: Provide access to add new WordPress installations and to Request Migrations.

All Support Tickets: Provide access to support tickets only.

​Read Only Permissions: Provide access to view (read) details only, without the ability to make any changes or submit requests.

Step #7: Click Create to send Collaboration invitation.

Accepting Collaboration Request

Steps to accept a Collaboration Request.

Collaborators will receive a Collaboration Invitation to their corresponding email used in the above steps.

Step #1: As a Collaborator who receives the Collaborator Invitation, click Create Account within the email.

Step #2: Create your new BigScoots WPO Portal Account and click Get Started.

Step #3: Sign in and click Click to Accept.

*Note: Once accepted, Collaborators will be able to sign in and click the Blue Eyeball to collaborate within the corresponding account.*

Removing A Collaborator

Step #1: From the WPO Portal, click Collaborators.

Step #2: Click Delete beside the Collaborator you wish to remove access from.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the process please feel free to reach out!

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