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WPO: Getting Started with WordPress

A step-by-step guide to creating and managing your WordPress user(s)

Aidan Monner avatar
Written by Aidan Monner
Updated this week

Building your WordPress site is a key part of the hosting experience. Now that your site is set up, you can access your newly created WordPress account. This guide will walk you through the process of creating your own WordPress user logins and accessing your account.


Creating a WordPress User

In this section, we will guide you on how to find and create your WordPress logins.

  1. Log into your WPO portal and click 'My Sites' on the left side-bar.

  2. Within 'My Sites,' click on the site you wish to access WordPress for.

  3. On the domain dashboard, click 'WordPress' then 'Add New Admin.'

    Below you will see an auto-generated admin user. We highly recommend creating your own login credentials and deleting the default user afterwards.

  4. Input a username and email, then click 'Create.' Once created, you will see a pop-up with a green check mark indicating that the user was created successfully.

  5. Now that your admin user has been created, you will want to set up a password for the user. Click the blue pencil button underneath 'Password,' then input a new password into the 'Update [User Name]'s account' popup. Finally, click 'Update' to save the password.

  6. (optional) Now that your user is set up, you can delete the auto-generated user by clicking the red trash bin icon under 'Action.' A popup will appear—simply click 'Proceed.' You will also be prompted to reassign posts, but since there are no posts on the user, you can select 'None.'

Managing Your WordPress User

Now that you have your WordPress user set up, you may follow the below guides to manage it as needed.

Accessing WordPress User

Now that you have a user created, you can access WordPress. The main method to access WordPress from your WPO portal is to click the green person button under 'Action.' Once clicked, you will be taken directly to your WordPress account.

A secondary way to access your WordPress account is by logging into WordPress directly by going to https://(your domain)/wp-admin/.

Edit WordPress User

If you need to change your email or password, you can do so directly from your WPO portal. To update your email or password, click the blue pencil icon next to ‘Email’ or ‘Password,’ depending on what you wish to change. A popup will appear where you can enter your new email or password. Once you've made your changes, click 'Update' to save them.

Delete WordPress User

If you'd like to delete your WordPress user, you can do so from your WPO portal. Under the ‘Action’ section, you'll find a red trash bin icon. Click it, and you'll be prompted to confirm your decision. To proceed with the deletion, click ‘Proceed.’

Next Steps

If you are looking to find what you can further do with your WPO portal, you can find additional guides within the 'Managed WordPress Optimized Hosting' section of our Knowledgebase.

If you are looking to continue the 'Getting Started' series, you may find additional guides within the 'Getting Started' section of our Knowledgebase.

Congratulations! You've successfully created your WordPress admin logins.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team via live chat.

For technical inquiries, please feel free to reach our support team by emailing from your registered email or by submitting a support ticket.

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