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cPanel: Managing A Records

A step-by-step guide to creating and managing A records

Justin Catello avatar
Written by Justin Catello
Updated over a week ago

An A record is one of the most essential types of DNS records. The 'A' stands for 'address,' as these records map a domain to the IP address of the server hosting it. By using an A record, you can associate a domain with the physical IP address of the server. To set up this domain record in cPanel, please follow the guide below.

Please Note: The added or updated A record will only work if the domain is using our nameservers.

  1. Enter cPanel - If you don't know how, you can follow this guide.

  2. In cPanel, look for the 'Zone Editor' option under the 'Domains' tab.

  3. Find the domain you want to manage, then to add an A record, click '+ A Record.'

  4. In the form, enter values for 'Name' and 'Address.' For 'Name,' enter a valid DNS zone name - the name of a portion of the Domain Name System (DNS) namespace that is hosted on a DNS server. For 'Address,' enter the IP address of the hosting server. Once set, click 'Add An A Record.'

  5. You will receive a message letting you know that the A record has been created after submission.

  6. If you would like to change the record, you can do so by clicking 'Manage' from the Zone Editor Domains page, then 'Edit' on the right side of the record. From there you can edit the 'Name,' 'TTL,' 'Type' and 'Record.'

  7. If you would like to delete the record, you can do so by clicking 'Delete' on the right side of the record. A pop-up will appear, click 'Continue' to delete.

Congratulations! You've successfully managed your A records.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team via live chat.

For technical inquiries, please feel free to reach our support team by emailing from your registered email or by submitting a support ticket.

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