Start by logging into Mailerlite:
You may be asked initially which version of Mailerlite, in this case we are choosing Classic.
At the top right, click the dropdown and select Domains or click this link
Now click the Add domain button and enter in your email address ensuring its an email address tied to your domain name, not a personal email like
Check your email and click the Confirm my email link
Step 1 is now Verified
Now we need to Authenticate the domain by clicking the Authenticate button
You will get a popup similar to:
Please keep this window open and also browse to
and select your domain name.
Now click the DNS tab
We can now open up both windows side by side to add the records like below:
here is what it would actually look like after each field is added:
Please repeat the same process for the 2nd SPF record.
Once added, you can click the Check DNS Records button.
Its possible these changes can take up to 24 hours to take effect so you might see:
If that is the case, please try checking every hour or so as it most cases it does not take a full 24 hours to update. In our case it took about 5 minutes to see both verified:
Looking good, one to go!
You can now move on to Domain alignment
Start with clicking Check DNS records below Domain Alignment.
Now, add in a custom subdomain. If unsure, just use "" For example, Ensure you replace YOURDOMAINGOESHERE with your actual domain name!
One more round of DNS records to be added into
We can follow the same method as before:
Example of the first record in the fields:
Once added, all records have been added, you can now click Check DNS records and you will see the following:
Now we want to toggle Domain Alignment to ON to ensure the best possible mail deliverability results:
Congratulations, the long but successful journey has now been completed!