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cPanel - FTP Details

Locating, creating new and editing FTP details for cPanel hosting

Scott avatar
Written by Scott
Updated over 2 months ago

This article includes information specific to our Shared, Reseller, VPS, and Dedicated services using cPanel.

If you are a Managed WordPress client, please see our guide on finding your FTP Details here.

If you need help on how to use FTP, please see our How to Use FTP article.

Username: Your cPanel username
Password: Your cPanel password
Protocol/Mode: FTP
Port: 21

Unable to locate your cPanel information?

Create New FTP User

1. Login to your cPanel

2. Click FTP Accounts from the Files section.

3. Fill out Add FTP Account form with Log In and Password. Click Create FTP Account when finished.

After creating your FTP account, you will see it appear under FTP Accounts. from there, you can change password, change quota, delete the account or configure the FTP client.

You have successfully created a new FTP user!

For any additional questions, feel free to pop into our live chat anytime! We'd be happy to help.

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