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Useful Tools and Tips
Useful Tools and Tips
How To Test Your BigScoots Hosted Website via Local Hosts File
WPO: Bulk Import Page-to-Page Redirects
Share SiteGround Access
How to Create New Files or Upload new files using OwnCloud
How to use FTP
How to Share files on Owncloud
WP-CLI: Install WP-CLI manually (Requires SSH)
How to create new users on Owncloud
WordPress: How to change Siteurl and Homeurl via MySQL cli (Requires SSH)
How To: Change your Wordpress theme (cPanel)
WPO: Page-to-Page Redirect Examples
Sync email folders after a move to the new email provider
How to fix mixed content warnings on your website after forcing https
Using .htaccess to force https on your website
HOWTO: Delist an IP from Gmail blacklist
Adjusting your ‘hosts’ file
Use Gmail for your email hosted with BigScoots
Configure Gmail APP on Android to work with BigScoots email
Configure mail APP on iPhone to work with BigScoots email
How to perform a Traceroute on Windows, Linux and Mac
WordFence WAF – The changes have not taken effect
Access Server via SSH
Configuring your mail client
How to Clear your DNS Cache on Windows
Install Zenoss on Centos
How to Import and Export a MySQL Database Using phpMyAdmin
How to Backup or Restore MySQL Databases Using phpMyAdmin
Adthrive Questions
Which versions of PHP are available?
How to change DNS Provider Options When Adding a Property to Google Search Console
How to Clear Cache in Chrome for Specific Site
How To: Share Cloudways Access
How To: Share Bluehost Access
Share Google Analytics Access
Clear Your Ezoic Cache
How to: Share Squarespace Domain Access